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Text File | 1987-04-21 | 62.0 KB | 2,377 lines |
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- # # ### ## # # # # # # #### ## #
- Version 2.22
- A Software by
- Prosoft Informatique
- For ATARI ST,STE, Monochrome only.
- ALCHIMIE Jr, copyright (c) 1989,1990 Prosoft Informatique.
- MOD-FORTH, copyright (c) 1989,1990 R.Crettol.
- This software may be freely copied and shared with others, as long as
- the program, its ressource file and the user manual remains unchanged
- and as long as no charge will be added.
- Your disk must contains the following files :
- ALCHIMIE.DOC : This manual
- ALCHIMIE.PRG : Alchimie Jr
- JR1.RSC : Ressource 1st part
- JR2.RSC : Ressource 2nd part
- MUSETTE.SNG : A song from JS BACH
- POLONAIS.SNG : A 2nd song from JS BACH
- QUICK.DOC : Quick guide
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- Contents
- Contents
- --------
- INTRODUCTION TO ALCHIMIE Jr .............................. 1
- Structure
- Patterns & Tracks
- Songs & Master
- The Sequencer
- Mouse Usage
- Musical Time Notation ................................. 2
- THE DESK ................................................. 3
- The Counter
- The Control Panel
- The Control section
- - Play mode
- - Record mode
- The Time section .................................. 4
- The Mode section
- - Cycle mode
- - Punch mode .................................. 5
- - AutoRec mode
- The Slider
- The Icons
- THE SONGS ................................................ 6
- Song window layout
- Operation on songs
- Create a new song
- Change song parameters
- Select a song
- Save a song
- Load a song
- Erase a song ...................................... 7
- Play a song
- Prepare to play a song
- THE MASTER ............................................... 8
- The Master window
- The Master's Instructions
- Play
- Tempo and Tempo+
- Repeat
- Operations on Master window ........................... 9
- Insert an instruction
- Modify an instruction parameters
- Erase an instruction
- Insert or remove time
- THE PATTERNS ............................................ 10
- The pattern's window
- Operations on patterns
- Select
- Create
- Modify
- Copy/move ........................................ 11
- Erase/delete
- Cut
- Paste
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- Contents
- Save ............................................. 11
- Load
- Play
- Prepare
- Search for a pattern's name
- THE TRACKS .............................................. 13
- The track's window
- Operations on tracks
- Modify a track parameters
- Select ........................................... 14
- Copy/move
- Cut
- Paste
- Erase/delete
- Record
- Search for a track name
- THE GRID ................................................ 15
- The grid window
- Note representation
- Grid control section
- Zoom/position button
- Writing button ................................... 16
- Step button
- The Info Box
- Diatonic
- Grid quantum
- Midi channel
- Track
- Velocity
- Step ratio ....................................... 17
- Where do notes come from
- Operations on notes
- Show note parameters
- Edit note parameters
- Move/copy
- Erase ............................................ 18
- Change note length
- Change note velocity
- Operations on area
- Define an area
- Undefine area
- Move/copy
- Erase ............................................ 19
- Cut
- Paste
- Writing notes
- Step Input
- THE EVENT LIST .......................................... 21
- The List Window
- Event editing
- Edit
- Insert
- Erase ............................................ 22
- Events operations
- Edit
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- Contents
- Move/copy
- Erase
- THE MENUS ............................................... 23
- Menu desk
- About Alchimie Jr
- Accessories
- Menu View
- Window
- Option
- Leave
- Menu Function ........................................ 24
- Insert
- Repeat
- Strech
- Double
- Reverse
- Rotate ........................................... 25
- Execute
- Import
- Export
- Menu Events
- Channel
- Controlers ....................................... 26
- Quantize
- Notes
- Velocity
- Duration ......................................... 27
- Compress
- Menu Config
- Midi-In
- Midi-Out
- Filter
- Save
- Infos
- THE DATA FILTER ......................................... 29
- Data Filter Structures
- Using the Data Filter
- Copy of notes only
- Remove All_Notes_off messages
- Appendix A : ALCHIMIE.INF ............................... 31
- Appendix B : Keyboard shortforms ........................ 32
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- Introduction Page 1
- Introduction to ALCHIMIE Jr
- ---------------------------
- In this section we will define the terms used in the Reference
- Manual
- ---------
- In Alchimie Jr, Tracks and patterns are the basic material used to
- compose songs.
- Patterns & Tracks
- -----------------
- A pattern is a musical part, like a tag of tape, so each pattern has
- it own time signature and duration.
- In Alchimie Jr, you may define up to 256 patterns for each song.
- The tracks contains the midi events. Events come most generaly from
- the MIDI-IN, but they can also be create in the Grid, as we will see
- in the Events chapter.
- Each pattern, once defined, may be played and treat as own.
- Songs & Master
- --------------
- Songs are at the top of the hierarchical structure of Alchimie Jr. A
- song is simply an ordered set of patterns.
- The Master window let you define precisely in what order the patterns
- must be played.
- Note : In the master we can superpose patterns. In this case,
- Alchimie Jr is able to play simultaneously up to 16 patterns or 4096
- tracks.
- The sequencer
- -------------
- The job of Alchimie's sequencer is to play songs and patterns, to
- send and receive MIDI events.
- Mouse usage
- -----------
- Alchimie Jr use three types of mouse manipulations : select, drag and
- double click.
- Select : Point something and click brievely on the left button.
- Drag : Point something, hold left button down, move mouse to
- destination and release button.
- Dclick : Point something and click brievly two times on the left
- button.
- - 1 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- Introduction Page 2
- Note:
- - Selection generaly is used to define current object. In some
- context a click may show an auxiliary menu.
- - Drag is used to move something.(copy a track,for example).
- - Dclick is used to get/set informations.
- Musical time notation
- ---------------------
- The musical position is notated as BBBB/TT/CC where :
- BBBB = the number of bar from the start
- TT = the number of time from start of the bar
- CC = the number of internal click from time 0.
- Note : they are 96 clicks in a quarter note (signature 4/4).
- - 2 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Desk Page 3
- The DESK
- --------
- Alchimie's desk contains the control panel and 5 icons. A counter is
- available on the right part of the menu bar
- -----------
- On the right part of the menu bar, you can see a counter. This
- counter indicates the current position of the sequencer.
- In record phase counter may indicate : ----/--/-- witch says that
- Alchimie Jr is doing an initial countdown.
- -----------------
- The control panel is splitted in three parts :
- Left : the Control section
- Center : the Time section
- Right : the Mode section
- The Control section
- -------------------
- On the left we have the tape control section and a white horizontal
- bar witch represents the Midi Input Buffer. The six buttons are (from
- left up) :
- RECORD : Enable/disable capture of midi messages.
- PLAY : Start playing from current position
- STOP : Stop (as you guess)
- BACKWARD : Rewind tape
- FORWARD : Advance tape
- RESET : Cleanup Input Buffer and set position to 0/0/0
- Note : If RECORD is selected (capture enable), the Input Buffer is
- grey and when filling up, it becomes black from left to right because
- some Midi events are comming from MIDI-IN.
- Play Mode
- ---------
- If you double-click on the PLAY button Alchimie Jr shows you the
- current sequencing mode in a dialog box. Modes are :
- SONG : When playing a song
- PATTERN: When playing a pattern
- Note : the master is only used in song mode.
- Record Mode
- -----------
- If you double-click on the Input Buffer bar, you will see a dialog
- box displaying his contents and the current record mode.
- - 3 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Desk Page 4
- The record modes are :
- * Only track
- Midi messages are moved to an single track
- * Channel
- Messages are splitted and distributed to 16 Tracks, according to
- their channel number. Example :
- Recording to track 100 :
- Trk 100 : the messages from channel 1
- Trk 101 : '' '' '' 2
- etc...
- * Channel/type
- Messages are splitted according to their type and channel. Example:
- Recording to track 20:
- Trk20 : Notes from channel 1
- Trk21 : other message from channel 1
- Trk22 : Notes from channel 2
- etc..
- The Time section
- ----------------
- START and STOP : indicate the limits of sequencer's play.
- P.IN and P.OUT : indicate the limits of the punching mode.
- The Mode section
- ----------------
- In the top of this section we have two values. The first one is the
- current tempo, the next is the current time signature.
- Below they are some buttons used to control the sequencer's job.
- BEEP : Send clicks to monitor loudspeaker
- CNTDWN : Countdown 2 bars before recording
- CYCLE : Start cycle mode
- SYNCHRO : Synchronise the sequencer on external Midi Clock
- SOLO : Only play tracks with P columns set
- PUNCH : Enable punch mode
- AUTO REC : Enable auto record mode
- AUTO << : Reset tape as soon as stopped
- * Cycle mode
- ------------
- In this mode, Alchimie Jr does not stop playing when stop time is
- reach.
- When recording, the Midi events captured in a passage, are played
- back in the next passages until others Midi events arrive. So you can
- - 4 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Desk Page 5
- hear and correct what you have play before, without move the input
- buffer to a track.
- When you want recording, simply drag the buffer to desired track or
- hit "*" on the numeric pad to record on selected track.
- * Punch mode
- ------------
- In punch mode the contents of the selected track is muted from the
- P.IN position to the P.OUT times.
- * AutoRec Mode
- --------------
- With AUTOREC selected, Alchimie Jr will move the contents of the
- Input Buffer to the selected track as soon as the sequencer has
- stopped.
- The Slider
- ----------
- The slider is used to modify the value of : START, STOP, P.IN and
- P.OUT times and TEMPO.
- ----------
- STACK : To CUT and PASTE part of track or pattern
- DISK : To save and load song or pattern
- TRASH : To erase Song, pattern, track, area and event.
- PRINTER: Hardcopy
- FILTER : To enable, disable and set data operation filter
- We will explain further details for the icon in the next chapters.
- - 5 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Songs Page 6
- ------------------
- Songs are represented on the 16 lines of the song's window. The
- columns are :
- Nr : the song number
- Name : the song name, better if same as filename
- Length : the duration of the song
- The reverse line show the current song. The content of all others
- windows (Patterns, Tracks etc...) depends on this selection.
- Light lines represents songs free. You can load more song on this
- ones, without erasing an other song.
- Note : click on the title line to select the top line.
- -------------------
- * Create a new song
- Double-click on an empty line of the song window, fill the dialog box
- and confirm.
- * Change song parameters
- ------------------------
- Double-click on the song you want to modify.
- * Select a song
- ---------------
- Click on the song you want to be the current one.
- * Save a song
- -------------
- Drag the desired song to the DISK icon. Modify the name if necessary
- in the files selector and confirm.
- Note : the name proposed in the files selector is the song name. You
- may change it but the name displayed in de window, after reload, will
- be the same as before you rename this song.
- * Load a song
- -------------
- Drag the disk icon to the desired position in the song's window.
- Choose a song filename in the files selector then confirm.
- If the choosen line in the song windows is not empty, Alchimie Jr
- will ask you to confirm before erasing.
- - 6 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Songs Page 7
- * Erase a song
- --------------
- Drag a song to the TRASH icon and confirm.
- Note : this operation do not erase song on disk but only in
- memory(RAM).
- * Play a song
- -------------
- Drag a song to the PLAY button.
- The play takes effect immediatly, no matter what Alchimie Jr was
- doing before. This operation set the contents of the START and STOP
- times according to the song Length, and force the Song Mode.
- * Prepare to play a song
- ------------------------
- Drag a song to the STOP button.
- Alchimie Jr will stop playing and sets the contents of the START and
- STOP times then switch into the Song Mode.
- - 7 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Master Page 8
- The Master
- ----------
- -----------------
- The Master window shows how the various patterns are ordered in the
- song.
- Note : the master is only used in song mode.
- The columns are :
- Position : Position relative to the start of the song of an
- instruction
- Instr : Instruction name
- Parameters : The parameters of the instruction
- -------------------------
- Each instruction in the Master's window is executed (played) when the
- main counter reaches the time specified in the Position field.
- Here we describe the instructions giving their tipicals forms.
- * PLAY <nr> [ <name> ] r=<rept>
- <nr> = the pattern number
- <name> = the pattern name as it appears in the pattern's window
- <rept> = the number of repetitions
- When a PLAY instruction is encountered, the sequencer start to play
- the specified pattern and will repeat it, if mentioned.
- * TEMPO <n> and TEMPO+ <n1>
- <n> = the desired tempo in range 24 to 240
- <n1> = the tempo change
- When a TEMPO instruction is encountered, the sequencer will set the
- tempo to the specified value. If the instruction is TEMPO+ the tempo
- value is incremented/decremented to the specified value.
- * REPEAT <n> <b/t/c>
- <n> = the number of repetitions
- <b/t/c>= the size of the part to be repeated
- When a REPEAT instruction is reached, the sequencer will repeat the
- next part for the desired number of time.
- - 8 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Master Page 9
- ---------------------------------
- Insert an instruction
- ---------------------
- Click on the desired position in the Master's window. Choose "Insert"
- in the little menu who drop under the mouse and then choose the
- desired instruction.
- Enter the right parameters in the dialog box and confirm.
- Modify an parameters instruction
- --------------------------------
- Click on the instruction you want to change, choose "Edit" in the
- little menu, change the value in the dialog box, then confirm.
- Erase an instruction
- --------------------
- Click on the instruction and choose "Erase" in the little menu.
- Insert or remove time
- ---------------------
- Click on the instruction and choose "Beat" in the little menu. Modify
- the dialog's parameters and click on insert or erase, as you wish.
- All of the instructions following the choosen one will be alter
- accordingly.
- - 9 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Patterns Page 10
- The Patterns
- ------------
- --------------------
- NOTE : No operation is possible on patterns as long as no valid
- (empty) song is selected. We hope you don't forget this important
- point.
- The pattern's window shows the patterns already defined for the
- current song. Empty lines (light) may be used to create or load new
- patterns.
- Here we describe the columns of the window.
- Nr : the number
- Name : the name
- Length : the duration or "Exclusive"
- Sign : the time signature (nothing for the exclusive patterns)
- The length of a pattern is forced so that all events in the tracks
- will be in the pattern bounds.
- Alchimie Jr use two types of patterns : the Exclusives and the Events
- ones. The Exclusives patterns only contains exlusives messages and
- are signaled by the text "Exclusive" folowing by the pattern's name.
- ----------------------
- The most usefull operations on pattern are accessible with simples
- moves with the mouse. Some others, less used, are available in the
- Functions and Events menu.
- Pattern's operations always display dialog boxes, so you may change
- parameters or stop.
- * Select
- --------
- Click on the desired pattern. This make the current one. Its number
- will appears by default in the dialogs (some excepted).
- Note : you can hit the "return" key to select the pattern on the top
- of the window.
- * Create
- --------
- Double-click on a pattern and fill the dialog box.
- Note : you only can create Events patterns. A Exlusive pattern is
- created when you drag the Input buffer to the pattern's window, and
- only if exclusive events were captured.
- * Modify
- --------
- Double-click and change in the dialog box.
- - 10 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Patterns Page 11
- * Copy/move
- -----------
- Drag to the desired position. Datas are merging if destination area
- is not empty. A copy do not modify source pattern, but a move remove
- events from the source pattern to put them on the target one.
- * Erase/delete
- --------------
- Drag to the TRASH icon.
- An Erase do not change events outside the choosen area, but a Delete
- move the folowing events to the upper bounds of the backward area.
- Note : this are destructives operations. Be carefull.
- * Cut
- -----
- Drag to the STACK icon. Midi events in the specified area are copied
- to the cut buffer. You may paste them later, on a different pattern
- for example.
- * Paste
- -------
- Drag the STACK icon to desired pattern. This operation move the
- contents of the cut buffer to the destination pattern, merging them
- to the existing datas if necessary.
- * Save
- ------
- Drag to the DISK icon, if necessary modify the name in the files
- selector and confirm.
- * Load
- ------
- Drag the DISK icon to the pattern's window, choose a name in the
- files selector and confirm.
- If the target pattern is not empty, Alchimie Jr ask you before to
- erase it.
- * Play
- ------
- Drag a pattern to the PLAY button.
- This operation set the pattern as the current one. It also set the
- times section of the control panel according to the length, force the
- sequencer's pattern mode and immediatly start the play.
- * Prepare
- ---------
- Drag a pattern to the STOP button on the control panel.
- This opertaion set the START and STOP time, and stop immediatly the
- sequencer.
- * Search for a pattern's name
- -------------------------
- Click on the title "Name" and enter some chars of the name you hope
- - 11 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Patterns Page 12
- to find. In case of succesfull search, the founded pattern will be
- displayed on the top of the Pattern's window.
- - 12 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Tracks Page 13
- The Tracks
- ----------
- ------------------
- Note : no operation on tracks is available as long as an invalid
- pattern or song is selected. (invalid means : empty song, empty or
- exclusive pattern).
- Each pattern of Alchimie Jr contains 256 tracks.
- Empty tracks are displayed in light zone.
- Nr : Track number
- Name : Name
- Notes : Count of events in the track (notes and others)
- P : Play flag
- S : Solo flag
- Ch : Output Midi Channel
- Trp : Pitch transposition
- Vol : Volume transposition
- Dur : Duration ratio
- With the P and S flag you can mute a track or a group of tracks.
- The Ch value force the output channel number except if Ch equals
- "**". In this case data channel will be the same as recorded.
- The Trp value change the pitch of the notes, the Vol the velocity of
- notes events.
- The Dur value change the duration of the notes. A value of more than
- 100% will extend the duration, less will shorten it. Normal value (no
- change) is 100.
- Note : As data modification is computed in real-time, no change
- occurs on tracks.
- --------------------
- This section describe the directs operations, others are availables
- in Function and Events menu. Tracks operations are very similar to
- the pattern operations.
- * Modify a track parameters
- ---------------------------
- You can modify the real-time track parameter by a click on the one
- you want to change, and moving your mouse up and down until you reach
- the correct value.
- Note : The P and S flags will simply toggle.
- An other way to modify those parameters is to double-click on a track
- and modify them in the info dialog box.
- - 13 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Tracks Page 14
- * Select
- --------
- Click on the desired track.
- Note : hit the return key to select the track on the top of the
- window. You can also enter the number of the track you want on the
- top of the alpha-numeric keyboard.
- * Copy/move
- -----------
- Drag a track to the desired position, change the dialog box params if
- necessary and confirm.
- * Cut
- -----
- Drag a track to the STACK icon. See Cut/pattern for more details.
- * Paste up
- -------
- Drag the STACK icon to a track. You may alter the params of the
- pasting in the dialog box and confirm.
- * Erase/Delete
- --------------
- Drag a track to the TRASH icon, change the params in the dialog box
- if necessary and confirm.
- Warning : those operations are destructives. Once deleted nothing can
- recover your datas.
- * Record
- --------
- To record a track, drag the Input Buffer bar to the right track. In
- case of empty buffer nothing will be done.
- You may also record the current track (shown in reverse) by hitting
- the "/" or "*" key on the numeric pad. The "/" key records datas as
- the "*" key but after recording Alchimie Jr select for you the next
- track.
- * Search for a track name
- -------------------------
- Click on the title "Name" and enter some chars of the name you hope
- to find. In case of succesfull search, the founded track will be
- displayed on the top of the Track's window.
- - 14 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Grid Page 15
- The Grid
- --------
- With the grid you have a graphic edition of the Notes and one or more
- tracks of a pattern could be edited, you can also define several
- areas and work on them, step input notes and write new ones
- directly.
- Because Alchimie's multitasking, editing do not stop playing the
- sequencer.
- A typical use of that possibility is to let Alchimie Jr working in
- cycle on the pattern you edit, so you can hear immediatly what you
- have just done excactly.
- ---------------
- The Grid window is splitted in two parts : a control section and the
- grid itself.
- The grid represents horizontaly the time position and vertically the
- notes pitches (lower pitch down).
- The bars are displayed by solids vertical lines, the times by dashed
- ones.
- The current counter location is indicated by a dashed vertical line,
- which move thru the grid as the sequencer is playing. By hitting the
- F10 key you may force grid to scroll according to the main position
- counter.
- -------------------
- Notes are represented by a small square followed by a thick line and
- a small triangle.
- The square coords indicates the pitch and the start time of the note,
- the length of the body line represents the duration of the note and
- the small triangle marks the stop time of the note.
- A shade, below each note, represents the individuals volumes.
- --------------------
- The top of the grid contains many buttons and editable control
- values, from up to down and left to right :
- * Zoom/Position button
- ----------------------
- This button changes the effects of the sliders on the grid.
- In Zoom mode, sliders are zooming the grid verticaly and/or
- horizontaly.
- In Positon mode, sliders will scroll the grid up/down and
- left/right.
- - 15 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Grid Page 16
- * Writing Button
- ----------------
- The writing button is used to start/stop writing on grid. More
- details will be given later in this chapter.
- * Step button
- -------------
- Start a step input phase. (more details later)
- * The Info Box
- --------------
- Alchimie Jr displays in the info box various informations.
- - All note parameters by a click on the left side of a note
- - Pitch and pos by a click on an empty part of the grid
- - Pitch and pos during note Copy/move
- - Velocity when you edit a note velocity
- - Duration when you edit a note length
- * Diatonic
- ----------
- To choose the pitch (vertical) scale.
- When deselected, the space between two horizontal lines, represents
- one semitone. (much like a guitar neck)
- When selected, the space between two horizontals lines equals in
- value to one degree of a major scale. (much like a piano keyboard)
- * Grid QUANTUM
- --------------
- This quantum is used to round up mouse position during following
- operations :
- - Note move/copy
- - Note writing
- - Area definition
- - Step input
- You may edit directly this value or use the Notes icon to preset
- value. You also may hit one of the key 1-7 on the alpha-numeric
- keyboard. (1 for the Whole-note etc..)
- * Midi channel (C)
- ------------------
- When writing, this value is used to set the Note Event Channel.
- * Track (T)
- -----------
- When writing, the track number of the note.
- Note : this value is set to the current track when you start writing,
- but you may change it.
- * Velocity
- ----------
- Down arrow value is the velocity used during note writing.
- - 16 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Grid Page 17
- * Step Ratio (%)
- ----------------
- This value is used in step mode to calculate the length of a note
- according to the step duration.
- -------------------------
- Notes displayed on the grid come, by default, from all the tracks of
- the current pattern. But you may change it.
- Choose the title OPTION in menu VIEW.
- It displays to you a dialog box where you can specify the display
- mode.
- The option TRACKS let you choose how to display the notes (from the
- current pattern) :
- All : from all tracks
- Play : from tracks with P column set
- Select : from the current track
- The option EVENTS let you examine narrowely the choice of option
- TRACKS. This option is not realy usefull with the grid but is very
- important for the Event list window :
- All : Display all events
- Filtred: Display only events witch has passed thru the filter
- See the Filter chapter for more details.
- The WRITING option lets you define current characters and their size.
- This may not alter the grid display.
- ------------------
- In this section you will see what kind of operations can be done
- directly on the grid.
- * Show note parameters
- ----------------------
- Click on the left side of the note. This op will display all of the
- notes parameters in the grid infobox.
- * Edit note parameters
- ----------------------
- Double-click on the left side of the note. To change a parameter
- value input it or select the title of the param you want to modify
- and use the arrows to increment/decrement the value.
- Note : modifications done with arrows are immediatly effective.
- * Move/copy a note
- ------------------
- To move a note, drag the rectangle of a note to the choosen position
- - 17 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Grid Page 18
- on the grid. The target position time will be rouded according to the
- quantum value. During this op the info box will display the note
- pitch and pos.
- To copy a note, do the same but hold down the SHIFT key.
- * Erase a note
- --------------
- Drag the note start to the TRASH icon.
- Warning : Bee carefull, no confirmation asking!
- * Change note length
- --------------------
- Drag the triangle of the note until you reach the desired length.
- During this operation the info box will show you the current
- duration.
- * Change note Velocity
- ----------------------
- Drag the shade of the note until you reach the desired velocity.
- During this operation the info box will display the current velocity
- value.
- ------------------
- With those operations you may alter a group of notes from one or more
- tracks. A rectangle in reverse represents this area. All notes
- within the bounds will be treated.
- When an area is defined, its parameters are reported to the data
- filter, so you can control exactly what kind of event will be
- move/copy/erase. (See Filter Setion)
- * Define an area
- ----------------
- Drag from the top left to the bottom right of the area you want
- define.
- The time bounds of the area will be rounded up, according to the
- Quantum Value.
- Note : the top left position must be on an empty part of the grid,
- otherwise Alchimie Jr will be disturb and start to move a note or
- anything else you do not realy want to obtain.
- * Undefine area
- ---------------
- Click on an empty part of the grid.
- * Move/copy an area
- -------------------
- To move an area to the desired position.
- To copy an area, do the same but hold down the SHIFT key.
- Note : if the vertical target position is different from the source,
- - 18 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Grid Page 19
- notes in this area will be transposed.
- * Erase an area
- ---------------
- Drag the area to the TRASH icon. This operation erase all the notes
- into the area bounds. Be carefull, no confirmation will be asked.
- * Cut an area
- -------------
- Drag the area to the STACK icon.
- * Paste an area
- ---------------
- Drag the TRASH icon to the grid.
- -------------
- To enter writing mode, select the WRITE button in the control part.
- If you look at the various parameters of the control section you will
- see them changed.
- In Writing mode, the QUANTUM value do not indicate the quantum as
- defined before, instead of it, shows the note duration preset. You
- may change this value by enter a new one or using the notes icon
- drawn on the control part.
- To change the Grid Quantum value (the position one), you may exit
- writing mode, change it and reselect the WRITE button. But you may
- also use the key 1 to 7 of the alpha-numeric keyboard without leaving
- writing mode.
- A best way is to preset quantum before entering writing mode.
- When you enter writing mode, the Track Parameter is set by default to
- the current track number.
- Once the WRITE button is select, the note length is defined and once
- other parameters are correct, you may write notes simply by clicking
- on the grid to the desired position. Without leaving mode, you can
- change the channel, the track number, the velocity etc..
- Note : According to the display mode, some strange things may
- happend. For example the just written notes may disapear from display
- if you use the SELECT track option and if your write on an other
- track than the selected one. Don't worry, your notes are really
- recorded but not displayed. How could Alchimie Jr imagine that you
- are so unlogical ?
- ----------
- Before starting step entry, you may exit writing mode, otherwise you
- will be confused.
- Start Step input by selecting the STEP button.
- In this mode, Alchimie Jr waits until it received from Midi a full
- - 19 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Grid Page 20
- note or chord. When this happends, the event is left in the Input
- Buffer and the Counter is advanced by the length of a step. This
- length is diplayed in the QUANTUM value box. You may modify it
- exactly as you change the Quantum in normal operation mode.
- To advance counter without playing note, hit the space bar.
- To remove last step, hit the "backspace" key.
- Once you have entered what you want, turn step mode off by
- deselecting the STEP button.
- Now you can record your data by dragging the Input Buffer to the
- desired position. (You may also use the "*" and "/" keys).
- An interesting possibility with Alchimie Jr is entering step mode
- while the sequencer is playing in cycle mode. This option will
- temporary disable the Play, but when exiting, you can hear the result
- of your input with the other tracks together and decide or not to
- record.
- Note : the Step Input mode modify values of the input filter. Please
- do not change it.
- - 20 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Jr Ver 2
- The Event list Page
- The Event list
- --------------
- The event list window shows the Midi events extracted from one or
- more tracks of a pattern.
- Like for the Grid, the display depends on the choice made in the
- Option box of menu VIEW.
- ---------------
- The window contains following columns :
- Trk : The track of the event
- Postion : It position
- Ch : The midi channel of the event
- Message : the name of the event. (Cf MIDI norm)
- Parameters : depends on the event type
- In the window, events are displayed in increased order of position
- and track. Thus and in case of simultaneous events, Alchimie Jr
- always gives priority to events with the lower track number. The
- event priority could be especialy important when playing a strongly
- dense pattern.
- Note : Alchimie Jr's notes events are not 2 messages as in MIDI norm,
- but they are compacted in an only one. They are two types of note
- messages : NOTE and NOTE_OFF. When playing a NOTE message, Alchimie
- Jr sends a Note_on ($9x) with velocity=0 to stop the note, when
- playing a NOTE_OFF, Alchimie Jr sends a Note_off ($8x) message to
- stop. Thus a note is listed in only one line of the window.
- A click on the title of the window let you input the position of the
- top event of the window.
- -------------
- A little menu appears when you click on an event in the window. You
- may choose an option or click elsewhere else to do nothing.
- * Edit
- ------
- This option opens a dialog box showing all the parameters of an
- event. You may change what you want or leave them unchanged by
- clicking on the EXIT button.
- Note editing occurs in real-time. This means that you may hears
- modifications as soon as done.
- Note : You also may edit an event by double-clicking on the event you
- want in the window.
- * Insert
- --------
- This option drops a second little menu in witch you can choose the
- event type you want to insert.
- - 21 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Jr Ver 2
- The Event list Page
- Click elsewhere outside to do nothing or choose one, fill the dialog
- box witch appears and confirm.
- * Erase
- -------
- This operation removes an event.
- Note : An other way to obtain the same result is to drag the event to
- the TRASH icon.
- Warning : this is a "no return" operation, once deleted nothing can
- revive the event.
- -----------------
- There is the list of directs manipulations :
- * Edit
- ------
- Double-click on the event you want to change, modify the parameters
- in the dialog box and confirm.
- * Move/copy
- -----------
- To move, drag an event to the desired position in the window.
- To copy a event, do the same but hold the SHIFT key.
- * Erase
- -------
- Drag an event to the TRASH icon. No confirmation will be asked, be
- carefull...
- - 22 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Menus Page 23
- The Menus
- ---------
- This chapter describes Title by Title the various menus of Alchimie
- Jr.
- Menu DESK
- ---------
- * About Alchimie Jr
- -------------------
- Display the advertising box of Alchimie Jr.
- * Accessories
- -------------
- Alchimie Jr support the usuals accessories. Please consult your
- computer manual to install them on this menu.
- Menu VIEW
- ---------
- * Window
- --------
- These title opens and shows the various Alchimie Jr windows.
- To open a window click on its title in this menu.
- An allready open window appears in this menu with a checkmark
- preceding the title. You may force Alchimie Jr to display it, as the
- top window, by clicking on its title.
- * Option
- --------
- This title display a dialog box. You may specifie here how to display
- events in the Grid and in the events List.
- The Track flags allows you to display events from :
- All : all tracks of a pattern
- Play : only the played track
- Select : only the selected one
- The Events flags allow you to filter events before their display :
- All : display all events
- Filtred: display only events witch has passed the filter.
- With the Writing parameters you may choose the size of the characters
- set.
- Note : with the "narrow" writing mode, Alchimie Jr may display more
- informations in a window as in the "extent" mode.
- * Leave
- -------
- Return to Gem desktop. Save you job before leaving !!!
- - 23 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Menus Page 24
- -------------
- In this menu, you will find operations which have a global impact to
- the events on a track or in a pattern.
- Following the selection of one of these operation, appears a dialog
- box.
- The dialog contains some parameters depending on the operation and on
- the top window.
- If the "Tracks" window is on the top of the display, operations
- occurs in track mode. The dialog box common parameters are : the
- track number, the Start and End times. The track number will be
- preset on the current one, the Start and End times are picked up from
- the START and STOP times on the control panel.
- If the "Patterns" window is on the top, same parameters will be
- proposed. Only replace track by pattern in the previous explanation.
- if the "Grid" window is on the top, operations occurs in Zone mode.
- In this case, Alchimie Jr works on what is displayed in the area,
- according to the selections in the VIEW/Option menu.
- Nothing occurs if the operation is not avaiabe according to the top
- window. (Master window for example).
- Note : in the following titles, we indicate between "[" and "]" which
- modes are availabes. ( p=pattern, t=track, z=zone)
- * Insert [p,t,z]
- ------------------
- Insert a stillness area. Events following the END position will be
- moved forward.
- The REPEAT parameter indicates the number of repetitions wanted.
- * Repeat [p,t,z]
- ------------------
- Repeat the area.
- * Strech [p,t,z]
- ------------------
- Strech out or shorten an area.
- If the FACTOR value is greater than 1.000, the area will be strech
- out. If less than 1.000, area will be shorten. For a value of 1.000,
- no modification occurs.
- * Double [p,t,z]
- ------------------
- Repeat the area two times in the same length.
- * Reverse [p,t,z]
- ------------------
- Reverse the events'order in the area. The effect is not still the
- same as you play a tape backwards....Try it!
- - 24 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Menus Page 25
- * Rotate [p,t,z]
- ------------------
- Rotate events in the area. In the "->" direction the last event will
- be the first. In the "<-" direction the first will be the last.
- (Isn't it just a philosophical option, anyway ?)
- * Execute
- ---------
- With this title you may execute a other program (a word processor, a
- sound editor etc...) without leaving Alchimie Jr !!!
- Be carefull, save your work before using this option and remove all
- unused songs from the Songs window. (your computer do not have an
- unlimited capacity of memory)
- You may let the sequencer playing when you run another program. It
- generally will not cause any problems except for those wich use the
- MIDI interface. In this case try to stop playing before to run.
- Note : when you leave the program you have just execute, you will
- return to Alchimie Jr. Isn'it a beautifull option ?
- * Import
- --------
- To import a pattern from a Format Midifie 0 or 1.
- In format 0 all events are on an single track.
- In format 1 events are recorded on multi-tracks.
- Alchimie Jr split data from Format 0 MIDIFILE on tracks 1 to 16
- according to the channel number of the events.
- Note : Midifiles are supposed to have a ".MID" extension.
- * Export
- --------
- To export a pattern to a Format 0 or 1 Midifile.
- Note : Format 0 could be readen by almost all MIDIFILE compatibles
- programs. But this form is the less confortable one. When possible
- export MIDIFILE with the format 1.
- -----------
- This menu contains the operations able to modify specifically one
- kind of messages or params of a message, (Midi Channels for example)
- or on some kind of events. (notes for example)
- Note : For the same title, they are may be more than one operation
- available.
- As for the Menus FUNCTION and EVENTS selections opens a dialog box
- with the same kind of params.
- - 25 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Menus Page 26
- * Channel [p,t,z]
- ----------------------
- Fix the channel number for the events in the choosen area.
- Note : In the track window, the Ch column only force playing time a
- new channel number but this operation really changes the MIDI
- Channel.
- * Controlers [p,t]
- --------------------
- Change the controlers numbers in the area. I'ts made for
- compatiblilty between synths.
- * Quantize [p,t,z]
- ----------------------
- They are two operations available in this title : Quantize and
- Humanize.
- Quantize changes the notes events position to round up on the desired
- Humanize randomly moves the notes events. The QUANTUM value indicates
- the maximum random range. Generally works with a little value.
- You may enter or use the drawen notes icons to input the QUANTUM
- value.
- * Notes [p,t,z]
- ----------------------
- They are two operations available : Transpose and Translate.
- The Transpose operation simply transpose the pitches of the notes.
- The FIX parameter shows how many semitones you want to transpose.
- (negative value to transpose down).
- The Translate operation use the Degree/value table to transpose (may
- be) on a other way each one of the 12 semitones of a game starting
- from the KEY parameter. For example, assuming a C key, you may
- transpose change the E in Eb by setting degree 4 to -1, and all
- others to 0.
- Note : Ok, ok, we know that it's not really a good choice for the
- name of tis operation. Maybe someone could help us to find a better
- one with 9 letters ?
- * Velocity [p,t,z]
- ----------------------
- They are four operations on note velocity : fix, transpose, slope and
- compress.
- Fix : set the velocity to the desired value.
- Transpose : increment or decrement the velocity according to the
- desired value (negative for decrement).
- Slope : change the velocity of the note to increase/decrease
- regulary over the area, so you can simulate cresendo/decresendo. The
- first parameter indcates the starting velocity, the second, the
- - 26 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Menus Page 27
- ending velocity.
- Compress : to compress/expand velocity around a central value. The
- first param is the central value, the second one is the compression
- rate in percents.
- * Duration [p,t,z]
- ----------------------
- They are three velocity operations : fix, quantize, transpose.
- Fix : set the velocity to the choosen value
- Transpose : Increment/decrement the duration value
- Quantize : Quantize the duration of the notes to the Parameter's
- value
- * Compress [p,t]
- --------------------
- To remove a certain ratio of Pitch-bend, Channel and Poly
- After-touch.
- The parameter indicates how much of those events you want to remove.
- Menu Config
- -----------
- This menu collects the various configurations options of Alchimie
- Jr.
- ---------
- This title opens a dialog box. You may indicate here what kind of
- Midi events you want to accept in the Input Buffer and from what
- channel you want they come.
- Note : the CONTROL CHANGE button enable/disable also the capture of
- Mode message. As they acts as ALL NOTES OFF, you may generally
- disable this option or use the data filter to remove them after.
- ----------
- This title opens a dialog box. You may change the following options
- :
- Running Status : reduce the output peak by only sending out the
- usefull Status. This mode is defined in the MIDI standard but may
- cause some problems with some old synth.
- Synchro : Enable/disable output of MIDI synchro status.
- Midi THRU : when enable send to MIDI-out all incomming MIDI events.
- The Channels of the Events are change according to the CH parameter
- of the selected track, or not modified if CH="**"
- Clickout : enable/disable metronome click to be output on MIDI.
- Channel : channel on witch to click.
- Number : Note number to click.
- - 27 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Menus Page 28
- --------
- This shows the data filter dialog box. More details about this in the
- FILTER chapter.
- * Save
- ------
- With this title you may save the configuration of Alchimie Jr's
- desktop. Next time you start Alchimie Jr you will found the window,
- the icons and the control panel to the location the where before
- saving.
- Informations about the position etc... are written in a file named
- ALCHIMIE.INF. More details in Appendix A.
- Note : do not hope saving a song or pattern with this option. This
- only save your workspace configuration...
- * Infos
- -------
- Shows you a dialog box with informations about free memory and Input
- Buffer size.
- - 28 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Data FILTER Page 29
- The Data FILTER
- ---------------
- The data Filter gives you the opportunity of working with a high
- precision on selected MIDI events.
- When enable, the data Filter ca be used with all Functions and mouse
- operations on tracks or patterns.
- It can also select events displayed on the Grid and in the List of
- the title Option from menu View.
- To display the data filter dialog box, select the title Filter in the
- menu Config or double-click on the FILTER icon.
- You may enable/disable by clicking in the dialog box or by clicking
- on the FILTER icon on the desk.
- ----------------------
- The Data Filter is splitted in six sections, one for each kind of
- Midi data.
- Each section can be enable/disable by clicking on its title. Actives
- sections are mentioned by a checkmark in the left part of the title.
- Under the title, they are 1 or more parameters corresponding to the
- event type. They have all :
- - a title
- - a test flag
- - a minimal value
- - a maximal value
- The test flag could be :
- <> for inside of...
- >< for outside of...
- So, assuming section Note is enable :
- V.ON <> 40 80,
- means :
- velocity on greater than 40 and less than 80.
- During an operation, the filter compares each of the Midi data with
- the parameters of the correponding section. If all of the parameters
- are in the desired range, the event is accepted for a further
- process. Otherwise, Alchimie Jr forgets it.
- With the special Channel test, you can check messages from the Midi
- channel.
- ---------------------
- * Copy of notes only
- ---------------------
- Deselect all sections but Note. Set Note parameters to :
- - 29 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- The Data FILTER Page 30
- Note : <> C0 GA
- V.on : <> 0 127
- V.off : <> 0 127
- Length : <> 0 65536
- Activate the filter and confirm. Proceed to a normal copy.
- The target of your copy will only contains notes.
- * Remove all notes off messages
- -------------------------------
- Deselect all sections but Control. Set CTRLER to : <> 123 123. Drag
- the desired track/pattern to the TRASH icon and confirm.
- - 30 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- Appendix A : ALCHIMIE.INF Page 31
- Appendix A : ALCHIMIE.INF
- -------------------------
- The file "ALCHIMIE.INF" contains differents informations about the
- windows, the icons and the Input Buffer. This file is readen by
- Alchimie Jr when you start the program. This file and the program
- must be in the same directory.
- This file could be modified with an editor. Each line must be ended
- by CR and LF, mnemotics and number must be separated with a space and
- mnemotic must be on the begenning of the line.
- Here is the list of mnemotics :
- RB : Input Buffer size
- ID : the position of the DISK icon
- IC : '' '' STACK ''
- IT : '' '' TRASH ''
- IP : '' '' PRINTER''
- IB : '' '' control panel
- IF : '' '' FILTER button
- WA : size and position of the MASTER window
- WM : '' '' SONGS ''
- WS : '' '' PATTERNS ''
- WP : '' '' TRACKS ''
- WE : '' '' EVENTS ''
- WG : '' '' GRID ''
- Note : the opened windows are marked with a "O", the closed with a
- "C".
- Note : all informations, except the Input Buffer size, could be
- modified with Alchimie Jr. Drag the icons to proper location, open
- and close the desired window and use the Save title in the menu
- Config.
- Note : if you change something that does not seems to work correctly,
- you may force Alchimie Jr to create a new ALCHIMIE.INF with correct
- values. Erase the defect ALCHIMIE.INF, start Alchimie Jr and use
- Config/Save option to make a new one.
- ALCHIMIE.INF example :
- RB 32000
- ID 67 344
- IC 130 344
- IT 193 344
- IP 3 344
- IB 262 274
- IF 4 311
- WA C 61 98 366 194
- WM O 1 38 192 98
- WS O 1 124 248 162
- WP O 291 38 328 242
- WE C 81 118 400 162
- WG C 1 38 397 275
- - 31 -
- Reference manual Alchimie Jr Ver 2.22
- Appendix B : Keyboard shortforms Page 32
- Appendix B : Keyboard shortforms
- --------------------------------
- To work easy, Alchimie Jr use several keyboard shortforms.
- The sequencer could be controled by the following keys on the numeric
- keypad :
- 0 = PLAY
- 1 = RECORD
- . = RESET
- Enter = STOP
- / = Record to the selected track
- * = Record to the selected track and then select the next one
- The function key could be used to open and display windows :
- F1 : Songs
- F2 : Patterns
- F3 : Tracks
- F4 : Master
- F5 : Event list
- F6 : Grid
- F9 : connect grid scrolling with the counter
- F10 : Choose the current song, pattern and track
- The "V" key force Alchimie Jr to redraw the top window.
- Using others alpha-numeric keys, depends of witch window is on the
- top of the display.
- For the Songs, Patterns and Tracks windows, press the keys 0-9 to
- enter the number of the first line in the window.
- For the GRID :
- 1-7 : set the Grid Quantum
- . : same as a click on the . button
- t : same as a click on the 3 button
- z : enter zoom mode
- p : enter position mode
- c : chromatic display
- d : diatonic display
- s : start/stop step mode
- e : start/stop write mode
- - 32 -